Quarrying architectural stone from the island of Brač

Natural, unique, fire resistant, ecological, cost effective in long term period

Architectural-building stone DIOKLES

Technical characteristics

  • APPARENT WEIGHT:2,62 g/cbm
  • ABSORPTION:2,15%
  • POROSITY:7,97%
  • ABRASION RESISTANCE:23,5g3/50cm2

Stone DIOKLES is the famous stone from the island of Brač quarried from our quarry AVORIO kamen in Donji Humac. This stone stone is characteristic by its antique look and is very popular for facades and interiors – that stone has wide range of use.

In our KAVADUR stone processing plant in Donji Humac, DIOKLES is processed into:

  • Blocks, crushed rock for dam, coasts and marinas
  • Semi-finished products (slabs cut on gang sawn machines) – only in the stone processing facility of Sprega Kamen
  • Floor and wall tiles in different sizes and thickness
  • Steps and risers, massive steps
  • Wall coverings, pool coverings
  • Window seals
  • Products for square and street paving, kerbstone for the coast
  • Cut to size products etc.

stone DIOKLES - usability

Whether you build or renovate and reconstruct the house, stone from the island of Brač DIOKLES offers top quality. It is a Stone that adds the right value to your home no matter where you use it because it is recognizable and unique.

Avorio stone is superior to artificial and industrial materials and fits well into the environment and is used for columns, fences and door frames or for furniture.

If you want the DIOKLES stone to be used for façade – outdoor use, we recommend the treatment: brushing / antiquing, sandblasting, sandblasting and brushing / antique, antique and antique / antique.
For interior use, we recommend: polishing and brushing / antique



island of Lastovo


Radunica Split


Sutivan – island of Brač



interior in Tučepi


interior in Sutivan – island of Brač

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