Stone for public areas in our offer is available in several types and processing methods. For public areas (squares, ports, marinas…), natural stone is the best choice for enduring beauty and quality.
No matter whether you are working on a new public areas or renovating existing, natural stone offers you unparalleled beauty and uniqueness and adds the best value to your home. The stone is natural and has no two identical pieces, which means that each is unique and that each public area is thus recognizable and unique.
One of the greatest advantages of a natural stone is durability determined by physical and mechanical properties, such as high compressive strength and abrasion resistance, freezing, impact of the atmosphere, fire resistance, etc. If the Stone for public areas is properly installed and maintained, it can last for decades or more.
Ecological Acceptability
completely natural
Environmentally friendly material that does not require any additional chemicals or coatings
lasts for years
Stone for public areas is more cost-effective than other materials in the long run
Sounds weird but true – natural stone for public areas is long-term period cheaper than any other material. Initially natural stone costs more than ceramic tiles but its maintenance requires minimal cost of time and money.